Renew Ministry

Renew Ministry is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to delivering hope and healing to individuals who need physical, emotional, and spiritual help.

Jennifer Sauer

CEO & Licensed Counselor

Jennifer Sauer is a Presidential member of NCCA (National Christian Counselors Association), An International Representative and Clinical Supervisor of Sarasota Academy, a Licensed Pastoral Counselor, and a therapist. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Education and a Master's Degree in Clinical Christian Counseling. Currently, she serves as the CEO of the Tennessee-based non-profit corporation Renew Ministry.

In 2024 she created the Divine Purpose Institute with a focus on Biblical-based education for Christian Counseling that trains and equips the student to serve those who need healing and hope.

Jennifer has many certifications and several decades of experience serving in hospice care as a bereavement coordinator, CEO of a crisis pregnancy center, and in clinical therapy.

Renew Ministry is a non-profit ministry providing professional counseling and educational services.

Renew Ministry offers these Christian Counseling Services:

  • Online Or In-Person
  • Individuals or Groups
  • Marriage And Family
  • Temperament Therapy
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Crisis/Abuse Therapy
  • Grief Therapy
  • Bible Studies
  • Worship Services
  • Wellness Seminars

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work"

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Biblical Principles

We further express that God the Father is our Creator and our Sustainer in life; that Jesus Christ the Holy Son of God, is our Redeemer, and we submit to His Lordship; that the Holy Spirit is One who reveals and guides us personally and professionally in our ministries; and that the Holy Bible is the infallible authority in matters of faith and conduct.

These biblical standards guide us as we apply the life-giving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our pastoral counseling ministry. The application of these standards of faith and conduct indicates that we demonstrate respect for, and value, every person as a being created in the image of God and deserving of His love.

These standards are guiding principles for each Renew Ministry member. There is no attempt to impede the God-given privilege of every subscriber to these standards or prevent them from interpreting these scriptural foundations according to their denomination, faith group, or personal perspective.

Statement Of Faith


We believe the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of the Living God. The Bible is the final authority on all matters of life, faith, and practice


We believe in the Trinitarian God of the Bible, one in substance, and three in persons, consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


We believe that the Son of God, the second person of the Godhead, took upon Himself the form of man, becoming the God-man, with two distinct natures, and by His atoning work through His death, burial, and resurrection has made salvation possible for man by His free grace.


We believe that salvation is an act of God's saving grace by the work of the Holy Spirit in regenerating and converting the hearts of men by His free gift of saving faith.


We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ, in eternal damnation in a literal hell for the wicked, and in everlasting life, in heaven, with the living God for the righteous.


We believe there is but one Head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the church's responsibility and its institutions to maintain His Lordship over their activities, and not to submit that right to any individual, corporate body, governmental agency, or head of state, as long as we conduct ourselves as ambassadors of Christ live as lawful citizens.


We believe every area of life is subject to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We adhere to a world and life view which seeks to make the Lord Jesus Christ preeminent in all things.

Divine Purpose Institute

Creation Therapy

A Biblical Model for Christian Counseling

The Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) is a God Inspired, established, and Innovative counseling technique. A faith-based technique to bring healing and restoration, designed for Christian leaders, pastors, counselors, and anyone who has a desire to help others.

Temperament is the inborn part of an individual that determines how he/she reacts to people, places, and things. It identifies characteristics of an individual’s psychological makeup and how people interact with their environment and the world around them. Creation Therapy teaches that temperament is placed within our soul by God, while in our mother’s womb, and that it will remain with us throughout our lives. Therefore, what you learn will be quite beneficial for providing Christian Counseling, Christian Life Coaching, and various other ministry and professional services.

Purpose of this course:

Provide the student with the biblical, historical, and scientific background of the theory of temperament as well as the evidence of the validity of this theory and the Creation Therapy technique. Teach the student the general behavior pattern of the five (5) temperaments, how temperament affects every aspect of all our lives, and how to use this information to assist counselees and others who you serve. Introduce the student to a temperament analysis questionnaire, and report, called the Arno Profile System (APS). This invaluable tool, unlike all other measurements of behavior, measures inborn temperament with an accuracy rate of 95.7%. Provide the student with a credible alternative to the counseling techniques currently available to the Christian community. The therapeutic model teaches the student how to provide counsel to others and how to assist their counselees, clients, or mentees in achieving long-term emotional and spiritual well-being. Gain practical experience in administering the APS Questionnaire, and the opportunity to apply temperament theory in an actual therapeutic relationship, via a required practicum lab. Provide you with professional tools and certification that will enhance the value and effectiveness of the services you provide.

Benefits Include:

  • How to assess inborn temperament needs, tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Learn conflict resolution skills that focus on the Word of God and His principles for healing.
  • Learn about human behavior and how God's wonderful plan works when understood and applied.
  • A very successful 5 step model you can adapt to faith-based counseling, coaching, mentoring, etc.
  • Help others overcome challenges, solve, problems, reduce stress, and find balance.
  • Help others experience healing, deliverance, joy, and victory.
  • Learn about the temperament of others (family members, staff, etc.).
  • Improve your appreciation of different temperaments.
  • Discover effective techniques for communicating with different temperaments.

Upon completing the 12-week Zoom classes and the work assigned you will receive:

  • Awarded membership in the S.A.C.C. (Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling (S.A.C.C.). S.A.C.C. is a sister organization of the National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.).
  • Become a Certified Member (non-ordained) or Certifed Pastoral Member (Ordained)
  • Be authorized to administer the Arno Profile System which has a research-proven therapeutic model that has over a 90% success rate
  • 3 hours of college credits that are transferable to an accredited Christian seminary, college, or university (at their discretion) or up to 9 CEUs.
  • You may apply and transfer your credits to our N.C.C.A. Christian Counselors License & Degree Programs or the SACC Certified Temperament Life Coach (CTLC) program.

Services We Offer

At Renew Ministry, we are committed to assisting you and your family in overcoming obstacles. Discover how Renew Ministry Counseling makes a difference. As experienced specialists, we offer Christian Counseling to people seeking assistance with emotional difficulties and life concerns, including the following: (Click on the drop-down menu to learn more)


We just added online Counseling to our services. Online Counseling communicates with your counselor via a HIPAA-compliant framework. Depending on the nature of the Counseling, you may have the option of phone or video sessions. Regular clients may prefer to communicate with their counselor primarily through online Counseling. Others may prefer primarily in-person sessions intermittently when they cannot make it into the clinic.

It's important to choose a counselor who is a suitable fit for your problems. Consider our counselor's profile to choose the one. Then you can contact the Renew Ministry staff member who is best suited to your requirements. Renew Ministry is a full-service family counseling clinic offering a broad range of services to address the entire family's needs.


Renew Ministry services provide Counseling by professionally educated counselors. We work with individuals and families to heal marriage issues and anxieties. Book our online appointment to learn more about Counseling and how sessions work.

We offer a personalized treatment plan that is suited to each client's individual needs. Our therapists work person-to-person Counseling to address their underlying issues and help them reach their mental satisfaction.


Renew Ministry blends gospel-centered, biblical integrity with some of the most effective therapy and psychology approaches. Our trained counselor specializes in a certain area of healing and personal growth. The counselor facilitates the group's regular sharing, communication, and training.

Group counseling is an effective kind of Therapy that can be used with individual Counseling and other forms of care. Those who have personally experienced it attest that it enhances the awareness of one's thinking, passion, and behavioral tendencies and is assisted by insights gained through social learning. Hearing their stories and teaching them about challenges are not as dissimilar as we believe. We make sure every member of the group enjoys both the blessings of giving and receiving.


At Renew Ministry, we assist couples in growing their love for one another by identifying the heart of their marriage and lifelong promise. Whether you are just starting your life together, needing a check-up along the way, or discovering that your soul connection is rapidly deteriorating, Renew Ministry counseling can benefit you. We provide biblically-based marriage counseling for your ease.

Our marriage counselors are passionate about reuniting couples, resolving conflicts and sorrows, and endorsing forgiveness and love. Our Christian Counseling is for stressed couples who have lost hope or couples who wish to take their marriage from excellent to outstanding.


Temperament Therapy is an exclusive biblical counseling practice founded on the temperament hypothesis, which holds that each of us is born with partial intellectual and emotional needs and wants, dubbed the "Temperament." Identifying that man is a spiritual entity created by God, Temperament rehabilitation focuses on comprehending the inner soul and balancing the body soul, and spirit.

Our personalities and temperaments are identical at birth. Contrary to popular belief, temperament is not synonymous with personality. Each of us is born with a unique temperament that remains constant throughout our lives. The discrepancy between an individual's apparent temperament (apparent temperament) and true temperament is an excellent measure of how much stress or anxiety the individual is experiencing in their Life.


CBT is intended for individuals whose thoughts and views affect their feelings, relationships with others, and ability to operate in the world. Cognitive Therapy recognizes the critical role of human thinking, or cognition, in emotional suffering and behavioral difficulties. So, to alleviate discomfort and resolve difficulties, CBT clients actively participate in a process that evaluates the validity of reflexes and core beliefs that lead to mental illness, thereby substituting more balanced and healthy thinking for ineffective thinking. Along with altering cognitions, CBT seeks to alter maladaptive behavioral habits.

Cognitive Therapy focuses on scientific analysis of problems, and religion and faith appear to be mutually exclusive. While faith is essential to adopt a religion, it is founded on knowledge and concepts taken from the religious literature and has its own frame of reference.


Struggle against abuse may cope with the intense, regularly negative emotions that might linger long after the violence has stopped. Their capacity for peace and enjoyment in Life may be compromised. If you have ever been subjected to physical abuse or trauma, you will likely face disturbing memories, anxiety, and trust concerns. Many people can overcome or mitigate similar difficulties with the assistance of a Crisis / Abuse counselor.

Sexually, psychologically, or physically abused children may face emotional challenges that impair their academic achievement and social abilities. The intensity of the psychological consequences varies according to factors, including the victim's relationship with the perpetrator and whether the abuse was acknowledged or rejected by the abused person's friends and family. Adult survivors of abuse may struggle to maintain healthy relationships and work productivity. You may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety.


Consenting a grief counselor to accompany you in sorrow or grief might aid in your rapid healing. Grief is a state of extreme emotional distress brought by any loss. It might be excruciating. It is a road of healing that might span between one and three years and a lifetime in some cases. Additionally, sadness can be accompanied by a variety of perplexing and deep emotions, such as guilt, rage, or futility.

Grief is not only associated with the loss of a loved one. It may occur due to a divorce, a life shift, a natural calamity, or tragedy. Unfortunately, friends and family members frequently lack the knowledge necessary to assist someone who is grieving. Support that is well-intentioned but in the wrong way can exacerbate their emotional load and delay the grief process. Moreover, grieving is a process that takes time and can be carried out in both good and destructive ways.


We may require assistance making future decisions. Where do we seek such guidance in our efforts to do God's will? Renew Ministry counselors are biblically qualified to assist you in directing these issues and growing in deep connection with God. In today's world, we face difficult questions about our faith from seekers. We will be pleased to assist you in growing, delving deeper into scripture, and enhancing knowledge about biblical training and group study.

Renew Ministry team adores the Lord, and we are confident that He first loved us; we may find stability and direction in His direction in our daily Life. You will discover how Bible Studies correspond to certain favors within the body of Christ, and your belief will continue to nurture as you live the thrilling and rich Life He has planned for you!


The worship is dynamic, the Word of God is delivered with life-changing force, and we hope the Holy Spirit will be tangible and present in every heart and house as we meet from all over the world. Renew Ministry's worship services help individuals to commit themselves to Christ and live their life happily.

Renew Ministry Worship is committed to producing knowledge that motivates listeners to pursue a relationship with Jesus. If you are interested in utilizing Renew Ministry's workshop services or a topic not covered yet, please get in touch with us to explore your interests and requirements. Our counselors are capable and willing to provide information and guidance on a wide variety of subjects. Our passion is assisting the community with love and prosperity.


Our health & wellness workshops and seminars can assist your staff in managing a range of concerns in a proactive manner, including daily life routines, nutrition, and keeping healthy throughout the year. Increase your profit margins by empowering your staff to manage their own health and well­being.

Our all-inclusive approach to workplace wellness includes Therapy and Counseling for physical, expressive, psychological, and even financial well-being. Access comprehensive programs from anywhere in the world to address a wide variety of health concerns.


The Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) is a God Inspired, established, and Innovative counseling technique. A faith-based technique to bring healing and restoration, designed for Christian leaders, pastors, counselors, and anyone who has a desire to help others.

Temperament is the inborn part of an individual that determines how he/she reacts to people, places, and things. It identifies characteristics of an individual’s psychological makeup and how people interact with their environment and the world around them. Creation Therapy teaches that temperament is placed within our soul by God, while in our mother’s womb, and that it will remain with us throughout our lives. Therefore, what you learn will be quite beneficial for providing Christian Counseling, Christian Life Coaching, and various other ministry and professional services.

Purpose of this course:

Provide the student with the biblical, historical, and scientific background of the theory of temperament as well as the evidence of the validity of this theory and the Creation Therapy technique. Teach the student the general behavior pattern of the five (5) temperaments, how temperament affects every aspect of all our lives, and how to use this information to assist counselees and others who you serve. Introduce the student to a temperament analysis questionnaire, and report, called the Arno Profile System (APS). This invaluable tool, unlike all other measurements of behavior, measures inborn temperament with an accuracy rate of 95.7%. Provide the student with a credible alternative to the counseling techniques currently available to the Christian community. The therapeutic model teaches the student how to provide counsel to others and how to assist their counselees, clients, or mentees in achieving long-term emotional and spiritual well-being. Gain practical experience in administering the APS Questionnaire, and the opportunity to apply temperament theory in an actual therapeutic relationship, via a required practicum lab. Provide you with professional tools and certification that will enhance the value and effectiveness of the services you provide.


Discover how to live in your temperament strengths when your temperament needs are met in ways that honor God. Understand temperament weaknesses and what opportunities they provide for you. Find wisdom for making changes based on your temperament. Overcome challenges, solve. problems, reduce stress, and find balance. Experience healing, deliverance, joy, and victory. Learn about the temperament of others (family members, staff, etc.). Improve your appreciation of different temperaments. Discover effective techniques for communicating with different temperaments.

Upon completion, you will:

Successfully complete the 12- Week Zoom classes Complete practical work as assigned. Be awarded membership in the SACC Certified Member (non-ordained) or Certified Pastoral Member (Ordained) Be authorized to administer the Arno Profile System

Other Services

Renewed Purpose

A New You

Embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth and success with our coaching services. Our experienced coaches provide personalized guidance and support to help you overcome obstacles, unleash your potential, and achieve your goals. Whether you're seeking career advancement, improved relationships, or greater fulfillment in life, our tailored coaching programs offer practical strategies and insights to empower you every step of the way.

  • Secrets To Reveal Your True Value
  • Keys To Unlock Your Potential
  • Breakthrough The Wall To Emotional Healing
  • ​The Smart Way To Conquer the Giants
  • Put Out the Fire Of Burnout and Much More...

Renew Your Spirit

Overcome Grief

This group is designed to be a community of support for those suffering from grief and loss. Weekly Zoom meetings with the option for individualized support. This is for YOU if…Feel stuck in depression, overcome by anxiety, and you want to feel peace and contentment.

  • Avoid The Pit Of Despair
  • Overcoming Fear And Anxiety
  • Conquer The Past
  • Learn To Live Again
  • ​Groups And One On One Sessions Are Available
  • Other Group Options Include:
  • Life after Rehab – Next steps to healing after addiction
  • Survivors of Trauma and Loss – Help for victims of trauma


Money Mindset

Discover how to transform your relationship with money and unlock your full financial potential with our innovative strategies. Empower yourself to overcome limiting beliefs, embrace abundance, and achieve your financial goals through a positive mindset. Explore practical tips, exercises, and inspiring success stories to guide you toward financial success and abundance like never before!

  • A clear understanding of where you are and where you are headed financially.
  • Individualized support and encouragement as you are on your debt-free journey.
  • Guidance without judgment.
  • Complete confidentiality.
  • One-on-one sessions that are designed exclusively for you and your circumstances.

Testimonials From Our Clients

James Harvey

"Jennifer has been a tremendous contribution to our NGO. Her knowledge, experience, and concerned nature have aided hundreds of people seeking assistance." God bless, Jennifer Sauer.

Rebecca Alvarado

Renew Ministry is competent and Christ-centered. Jennifer Sauer is one of the best therapists and is also a moral Christian while helping people. I can suggest her as a talented Counselor, successful marriage and family therapist, and honored Christian woman.

Craig R. Gonzalez

Jennifer Sauer's counseling services have been a fantastic asset to the Renew Ministry. Jennifer assisted us with our cognitive therapy. Jennifer possesses an extraordinary capacity to understand the true nature of a person's or couple's struggle and then provide biblical advice for resolving that issue.

How Can I Support This Ministry?

Renew Ministry is a non-profit ministry that provides professional counseling services and education. Please consider giving to help those who need it most. Your donations will provide:

  • Scholarships
  • Tuition
  • Education
  • Professional Counseling
  • Further the cause of Christ

Board Of Directors

Jennifer Sauer, CEO

David Sauer, Vice President / Pastor

Dayna Ferguson, Treasurer

Betty Hudson, Secretary

Sandy Spotts, Outreach Ministry / Trustee

Book A Free One-On-One Call

You can book a free one-on-one session with Jennifer via Zoom by clicking HERE or call us to schedule an appointment to speak over the phone.

Open Hours

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM CST

Saturday: Appointment Only

Sunday: Closed

Contact Us


Telephone: 931-260-9996